Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kristen Stewart HATED Twilight Contacts Article

Kristen Stewart Disses on Tight ‘Twilight’ Contact Lenses

August 10, 2011 01:00 PM EDT
comments: 1
Breaking Dawn's Kristen Stewart hated wearing the contact lenses required for her vampire role in the final Twilight movie(s). You know—after the birth, and all, when Edward Cullen saved his wife Bella by turning her into a vampire.
Vampires, as ancient lore and Stephanie Meyer invention both suggest, have red eyes—or sort of golden, if they refrain from snacking on human blood. But Kristen Stewart, reports Hollywood Life, complained that the contacts required to make her look like a "newborn" vampire were too tight—an unusual term for contacts. "They were so painful because they were so tight. I didn't like wearing them at all." says the star in a recent interview.File:Kristen Stewart Life Magazine 3.JPG
"I'm not going to miss wearing those stupid brown contact lenses. They really sucked," This is where the story gets especially confusing, because Kristen Stewart's vampire eyes, according to the book, were red. Her human eyes were brown. Then, also according to the book, Bella Swan-Cullen actually wore brown contacts over her (supposedly real) vampire eyes, to look normal for her father. Contacts on contacts! But, of course, the movie would simply go back to the brown ones she always wore, wouldn't they?
And here it gets even more confusing, because Kristen Stewart has gray-green eyes, while character Bella has chocolate brown. So, by all reports, KStew has worn brown contacts all through the earlier three films. You would think she'd be used to them.
No doubt the director has all this worked out, and Kristen Stewart is now far away from Forks, working on a different fantasy film. As for the battle of the tight contacts, fans will just have to wait until November to sort it all out. Stay tuned.
© Cindy Kroiss – Gather Inc. 2011

1 comment:

  1. Twilight has made such a huge impact on billions of people in the world and this is a saga nobody will ever forget. When teenagers grow up into grandparents they will be telling their grandchildren how fascinating Twilight was to every teenage girl. This movie really pulls out the emotional side to all teenage girls and these movies will stick with them forever knowing that 4 giant series of books were able to be broadcast in reality. when I heard they started making movie sequels about the saga twilight I was so happy they got to bring it to life. This also got a chance to have small actors be a part of a huge role then all of sudden get way more into show buisness and have wonderful oppritunties come there way. It's a wierd feeling knowing that everything that has to do with twilight is over and it will make everyone miss it more. Before twilight, vampires were more envisioned as what Dracula looks like but now that they made vampires more realistic they made it into a way where they blend in society but go through different stuff that a normal human would go through.
