Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Birthday Rob Pattinson!! 5.13.13

Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday dear **ROB**

Happy Birthday to the most perfect man in the world. God did right when he made you and we are so truly blessed to have you Rob in this world. Whenever you are I hope you have an AMAZING DAY where ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!

Today is also my car Edward's 2 years birthday that I owned him! Why do you ask is his name Edward?? He is blue just like Rob's eyes and sparkles in the sun like Edward! I love my car but not as much as I love ROB! LOL

one day I'll be lucky enough to meet you day! ;) Have a great day!!



1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see Kristen out and about.She's looking good.And Kris,there is someone out there for you.Just don't be in any hurry.Love you alot girl.
