When I first saw Peter...and hyperventilated when he said hi to me lol

If Peter could pick a wolf....He would choose BooBoo.
He doesn't have a stalker....although he joked and said he wish he did..he tells twitter everywhere he is or is going....n no stalker....well PETER I would stalk u if u want a stalker lol
He grew up in the east coast and liked the fast pace but likes the west coast weather
He joked and said he was fascinated by the job of the guy who puts ice in the urinals lol
He studied pre-law for a year told his parents he wanted to go to NYU for Law and took up theater
My Question was did he have any bad habits...I had two but they used this one :( that's ok tho lol
He said he used to smoke but doesn't anymore BUT he does bite his fingernails lol doesn't like the nail clippers and doesn't think he's ever used them lol
His mother is a GREAT italian cook so he uses her recipes and can cook things very well
He did a Disney Cruise just recently 10 days
If he could be in a Cartoon it would be the Smurfs
If had to choose to be attacked by a Vampire or a Zombie ...if he could live afterwards he would choose to be attacked by a Vampire so that he could live forever and not have his brains eaten lol
He isn't good with heights
He rarely watches TV
Not a big Starbucks fan even though he is seen there because it is convenient
Likes Denny's :)
Charities he invests in is Alex Lemonade Foundation
St. Judes
Pet Peeve is he doesn't like that the seats don't go back really in an airplane. Then when the flight attendant says to put your seat up ..he joked about what the difference between here and here...if this makes me live or die...as there is only a slight difference lol it was a funny story. He then went onto say that he hates when he's sleeping in the airplane and the flight attendant wakes him asking if he wanted something to eat..he said he was thinking do I look hungry lol he told it better of course lol
He has three sisters who dressed him up in dresses etc. He always grew up with a tight family and tries to continue that in his family now. Family is important.
I really enjoyed Peter. I showed him my unique Twilight nails and he liked them and joked with me. He also smelt so good......OMG I know I am really TEAM EDWARD but I met Peter....and I really LOVE him. I need to sign up for another convention :)
and the pix :)

and the pix :)

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