His favorite Comic Book Hero was The Crow
He would like to be in the Boondacks III
He doesn't know if he wants to attend college...it depends on where he is in his career. He did a lot to get where he was in his career and wants to pretty much go with it to see where it goes.. It would be hard to start over again.
His favorite candy is Reese Peanut Butter Cups
He thought Rob was really funny on the set because he is naturally funny
He started singing and acting when he was 10 yrs old (He's 17)
His diet consists of chocolate covered pretzels, Hersey kisses, Reeses, french fries, etc
His special talent was he cut turn his feet inward lol
Wants to do a gangster movie i.e. The Town, Departed
Got called JR a lot because he is a JR
He was last seen in call backs (for Twilight)
He LOVES Chinese Panda Express
Not always wanted to act. He wanted to be a BMX rider or a chef (but could't be a chef cuz his mom said he had to be clean and he wasn't...he was messy) lol
He is TEAM EDWARD ooooooo lol
Coolest place he has ever traveled to was Australia... Rome looked cool but not food
Still does Martial Arts and started when he was 3
What he looks for in a girl is to be YOURSELF
Liked Heath Ledger and inspired him to want to act
Hobbies...XBox Call of Duty but isn't great at it
His sis and him won a Martial Arts Tournament not too long ago
Doesn't like roller coasters
Is afraid of Sharks, water, ocean, dark areas..
Pix I took

Thats sooo cool that u met him.