Hey Twi-Hards I have written Ellen A LOT about why I am Twilight's biggest FAN! I really have to say all of us Twilight FANS are Huge Twilight fans. We all stick together for the LOVE OF TWILIGHT. I would really appreciate it if u could sign my Twititition. Please go to the link below for more information!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Exclusive: Breaking Dawn Director Bill Condon via Fandango
October 28, 2011
By: Lizerne Guiting
Fandango Film Commentator
Fandango Film Commentator
Director Bill Condon
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn director Bill Condon graciously took the time to talk to us about what's on the mind of every Twilighter now that we're nearing the final weeks before the film. He's continued to remain tight-lipped about some details (which will make for a better moviegoing experience, of course) but he had much to say on the birth scene (his favorite), the highly anticipated wedding, as well as additional scenes from Edward's point of view! Warning: This interview contains spoilers.
Fandango: Fans are really looking forward to the wedding, the honeymoon, the birth and Bella's transformation scenes. What was your favorite to film and why?
Condon: They're all really fun but I have to say the birth. There was something that happened on those nights, but specifically the first night – there was something electric about it, so intense. Kristen [Stewart] was so powerful. Obviously, it's a very feverish scene with everybody kind of getting into that mode. It happens on a movie set sometimes. Everyone gets very hushed, and after and between the takes everyone's walking around, whispering and not talking – it was one of those. Kristen didn't get up. She was on that gurney and spent hours and hours there. That scene is the one I will remember more than anything.
Fandango: What is Irina doing at the wedding (as seen in movie photos)? That's noticeably different from the book.
Condon: In that case, it's just about good movie storytelling. Just imagine if she's not there and then in the second movie, she shows up, sees Renesmee and freaks out. No one will know who she is. People will talk about who she is, as they do in the book. Or you'd be stuck with some clunky flashback. To make something really cinematic, you put it into the present tense. She doesn't want to come, she's convinced to come, she gets there, she sees something that upsets her and she leaves – so that you see, you experience what it is that's bothering her. It's because her problem with the Cullens is the lynchpin for the entire second movie. Part of it why it's there has to do with servicing what's going to happen in the first half hour of the second film.
Condon: I think so much of it resonated because the stakes were so high. A wedding is always a really moving thing, but [Bella] is walking down that aisle knowing she's never going to see her parents again. That's the thing that I think adds this extra kick of emotion. It's one thing to say goodbye to your dad and your mom and to thank them as you're going off to your honeymoon, but when you know you're going to be a vampire and never exist in [human] form again, it's something else. I think that was a big one – just talking about the movie a while before we started. Forget about the vampires and werewolves and everything. What are the human challenges? One of them is that first difficult year of marriage. You've had the fantasy, you've had the dream, you've gotten your dream, now it's a reality. Now you're waking up with him or her every day. What adjustments do you have to make when you change this fantasy to reality? That's an interesting human question. There's a lot of resonant stuff through the book that was very real on that level.
Fandango: You've also said there's going to be a choreographed dance number at the wedding.
Condon: It's very brief, but absolutely! It was a lot of fun. All I can say is that Jackson [Rathbone] and Ashley [Greene] are incredibly good dancers. They should make musical films.
Fandango: Was it an actual musical number?
Condon: This is not a musical number on a stage or anything. This is just people dancing at a wedding, that's all. It's just that we had a choreographer to help us.
Fandango: How excited are you for fans to see the wedding scene? It must've taken high-security to keep the wedding dress from getting leaked.
Condon: I know! We're three weeks out and it still hasn't leaked. I'm so happy. Oh, I can't wait. We're going to have our premiere two weeks from Monday and I'm just so looking forward to being there with fans and just getting a sense of what they think. It is a challenge. There are other surprises in there too that we've been able to keep, but it's harder to do it these days.
Condon: I think it was hard. I think the crucial thing was keeping it romantic because that's what it's about. You'll see it's done in a slightly different way. I don't want to give it away. It's in pieces, let's say. You don't get it all at once.
Fandango: We get so much of Bella's and Jacob's view in the last book, but what specific parts do we get to see more of Edward's point of view?
Condon: There's something that we put in there that's referred to in an earlier book. We actually get to see Edward in his early life as a vampire and hear his thoughts about that. There's a glimpse of him in Twilight describing how he got turned, how he got changed by Carlisle, but this is more extensive. I do think we get more inside Edward and he changes a lot, too. The wedding has an effect on him. There's an aspect of self-loathing to him about what he did when he was a vampire [earlier] that he releases through Bella's love. I think that's a fun thing to watch.
Bill Condon addresses 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1' sex scene ratings cuts
via Amanda Bell The Twilight Examiner
Over the weekend, speculation arose regarding a certain sex scene cut done in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, executed for the sake of ratings.
(This is in addition to what was said by Kristen Stewart in her recent Glamour UK interview, by the way.)
Per Digital Spy, in order for the British Board of Film Classification to award Breaking Dawn - Part 1 a Class 12A certification (likened to a PG-13 rating in the U.S.), the Board "suggested that [the] more graphic sight of Edward thrusting while he lies on top of Bella, and while her legs are wrapped around his torso, be removed."
Today, Bill Condon addressed the matter with MTV, saying, "It's almost clinical the kind of strict guidelines [the MPAA] have about anything that appears to be — how do I put it delicately? That appears to be, let's call it thrusting. In fact, you know, it was so much more about romance than it was about hot-and-heavy action, so it was a very kind of simple adjustment to make."
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Set ur DVR's for the cast of Breaking Dawn TV appearances
Continue reading on Examiner.com 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' cast TV appearances (master post) - National Twilight | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/twilight-in-national/the-twilight-saga-breaking-dawn-part-1-cast-tv-appearances-master-post?CID=examiner_alerts_article#ixzz1cGPzlhQS
Alfred Angelo presenting 'Twilight'-inspired 2012 prom collection
Alfred Angelo, the same company which will distribute replicas of "Bella's" The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 wedding dress, has begun to unveil pieces from itsTwilight-inspired 2012 prom collection.
On their Alfred Angelo Prom Facebook page, three of theirTwilight-inspired prom dresses were previewed (see the attached photos), and the company has announced that the full line will be revealed by the end of this year, just in time for prom-goers to start getting their plans in order.
What do you think of the dresses? Do they remind you ofTwilight right away, or are the references more subtle than you might've expected?
I really like the first one. It reminds me of something "Rosalie" might show up in at prom, and the woodsy silhouette on the skirt of the blue dress is very sweet. The third one, to me at least, seems like a total "Alice" dress.

see more via www.examiner.com
Robert Pattinson: How He Helped Build a School for Teen Girls in Cambodia
Mon., Oct. 24, 2011 3:54 PM PDT by MARC MALKIN
Robert Pattinson has given young girls—and everyone else, for that matter—another reason to love him even more.
Here's how it came about: About a year ago, Pattinson donated a meet and greet with fans on the set of Breaking Dawn for a charity auction.
Not only did a Chicago family win the coveted prize with a bid of $80,000, but...
The money raised by Pattz for GO Campaign is being used 100 percent to build a permanent home for PAGE (Program Advancing Girls Education), an organization helping to educate teen girls in Cambodia.
PlayamfARPAGE currently houses 12 girls in a rented facility. Sadly, they've had to move several times over the last three years because of health and safety concer
The new home will accommodate 20 girls. Run by Cambodian monks in Siem Reap, Cambodia, PAGE has also bought a piece of land large enough for its own vegetable garden to help feed the students.
And now we're happy to report that Pattinson is helping GO Campaign again! He's donated a private screening of Breaking Dawn for 20 people that will take place in Los Angeles on Nov. 17, the night before the movie opens in theaters.
Host of the screening will also take home a Twilight gift bag that includes signed posters, DVDs and a replica of Bella's wedding ring, among many other goodies.
Like last year, Pattinson's package is part of the auction that coincides with GO Campaign's GO GO Gala. Hosted by Ewan McGregor, the fourth annual event takes place Nov. 10 at the London Hotel in Los Angeles.
The set visit was the highest bid ever for a GO Campaign auction. Will R.Pattz shatter his own record this time around?
We have a feeling he will.
Read more:
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner To Reveal 'Breaking Dawn' Clip On MTV!
Calling all "Twilight" fans! MTV has got a triple-layer treat for you in the form of exclusive interviews with your favorite three stars during our "MTV First: Breaking Dawn - Part 1."
On Thursday, November 3, at 7:56 p.m. ET on MTV, we will premiere a never-before-released clip from the hugely anticipated new film live on-air, to be introduced by megastarsKristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner.
Immediately following the introduction and premiere of the clip, Stewart, Pattinson and Lautner will be sticking around for a lengthy Q&A session with MTV News' Josh Horowitz — a chat that begins on air and continues on MTV.com. Who knows what will happen when the three stars actually get together in one room, because separately they've had somevery intriguing things to say about one another. In recent conversations,RPattz has compared his sex scenes to "playing Twister," while KStew has revealed that Taylor began one of their fight scenes by confessing to his co-star, "You're so cute."
Fans can get in on the anything-might-happen conversation immediately by submitting video or text questions beginning Thursday (October 27) via MTV.com or via Twitter (using @MTVNews, plus the hashtags#AskTwilight and #MTVFirst).
Also launching today is our fan-voted poll of the Top Five Favorite "Twilight Saga" Moments thus far, including Edward and Bella's first kiss in "Twilight," the infamous Jacob abs-reveal in "New Moon," Edward and Jacob in the tent in "Eclipse," the fan-favorite "leg hitch" scene in "Eclipse" and Edward proposing to Bella in "Eclipse." Beginning on Monday, October 31, the clips will be revealed in order of popularity.
So mark your calendars and set your alarms to tune in to our "MTV First: Breaking Dawn - Part 1," which kicks off Thursday November 3 on MTV at 7:56 p.m.
Check out everything we've got on "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1."
For young Hollywood news, fashion and "Twilight" updates around the clock, visit HollywoodCrush.MTV.com.
Robert Pattinson talks about 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1' love scene woes
I'm not sure about u guys but i am dying to see the love making scene :)
via www.examiner.com
Robert Pattinson ("Edward Cullen") is featured in the December issue of Total Film Magazine, and one of the topics of his new interview with the publication was the lovemaking scene(s) in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1.
According to him, making those movie moments for Breaking Dawn was a bit difficult because the book itself offered little guidance in the way of details.
"It’s funny . . . People talk about sex scenes in the book, but there aren’t actually any. It’s all in people’s imagination. They’re like ‘It’s so hardcore,’ but it always fades to black. It just shows bits of the aftermath . . . You have to show something! . . . You can’t fade to black in the movie because people would go insane!" he explained.
Indeed, you cannot, and since skipping it was not the approach of the filmmakers on this one (because that would be some form of moviemaking suicide), Pattinson also talked about his concern over fan reactions to these Breaking Dawnlove scenes. "It’s strange trying to do a singular event which everyone is expecting. At the end of the day, watching other people having sex is never going to be that spectacular. Hopefully it’ll be good. There’s so much hype. You’re like ‘God, I hope this lives up to it.’"
New behind-the-scenes feature for 'Breaking Dawn - Part 1' revealed
Bella figures out she's pregnant!!!
The more movie clips we see....I keep thinking were gonna be seeing the whole movie lol i just cant get enough!! :)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Volvo contest ends 11/1/11 I NEED YOUR VOTES!! PLZ
Please guys VOTE FOR ME to win Breaking Dawn tickets.
whoever can get me the most votes to help me win I will bring you with me!!!
There are a lot of people who view my blog everyday....if everyone who looked at my blog told their friends too...we could win. The top voter is at 1,000 votes... i am at 195. Please help me guys. I would do this for u!
Go to Facebook and search volvo cars us
Go 2 left hand side under the bella n.edward.pic and click Breaking Dawn tab,When the what would you where pic pops up click Vote,
Search Brandy Hogan, hit goview,vote and share!
I really appreciate all of u who are helping in making my dream become a reality. You can vote if u have FB u don't have to be in the US. U can vote from anywhere! Please share it with all your friends. Help me get all the Twilight fans together and make this dream come true for me!
Thank you
What is your favorite volvo that Edward Cullen has driven so far ? :)
Volvo on FB posted this on their wall and i had to share it to see your thoughts. Which is ur favorite volvo ?? :)
We all know Edward Cullen has amazing taste in cars. Of the three sporty Volvos he's driven over the years, which one has been your favorite? Be sure to share with your friends.

KStew on the cover of Glamour UK (Dec issue)

Add one more magazine to pick up this fall/winter, with the December issue ofGlamour UK featuring Kristen Stewart. Not only does the magazine feature a stunning photo shoot of the beautiful actress, but we get more insight into Kristen’s life, career, oh and maybe some details on the steamy honeymoon scenes from Breaking Dawn – Part 1 as well. Check it all out below:
TY http://twilightersanonymous.comOn being labelled awkward and nervy in 2007:
“That’s a fair assessment. I don’t think there was much behind it other than I was young, not expecting it and trying way too hard to be ‘not fake’”On dating Rob Pattinson:
“It’s funny when this question comes up, because I sort of feel like, I don’t really care! People can say whatever they want. [The interest] is totally understandable, but when it’s personal to you, it’s like your life becomes a product, and I’m repelled by that. I don’t like to give away gems that people are gonna be like, Oh my God!’ So I’ll always just shrug it off – in fact, I always find it kind of funny, and not just with Rob.”On the sex scenes in the new Twilight movie:
“There are two big sex scenes in the two [final] films, and we did them fairly early. It was so weird, it didn’t even feel like we were doing a scene within a Twilight film. I was like, ‘Bella! What are you doing? Wow! What is happening here?!” It was very surreal. We [originally] got rated R [restricted for under-17s]. they recut it.”“It’s funny because in the book, you don’t see anything. It’s everyone’s imagination, so it’s entirely subjective. I hope it’s good!”On her fans:
There are definitely people that kind of lose it and get very emtotional. But recently, I met Jenny Lewis, and I had the most ridiculous experience. I was so embarrassing, I couldn’t speak. It was eye-opening, actually – I’m sure that [fans] leave and find themselves going, ‘it’s the one time I’m probably ever going to get a chance to meet this chick, and God, I couldn’t even fucking speak!”
Vote now for People's choice awards 2012!!

It's time to voice your choice to determine this year's nominees. The top five will become the official nominees of People's Choice Award 2012! Vote often and share with your friends to make sure your favorites make the cut!
Team Twilight people!!! :)
Please help my dream come true...Volvo contest ends 11/1/11
Please guys... i am begging you. There is nothing more that I can do than to ask all of u to take two minutes out of ur time and vote for me. Haven't u ever wanted something so bad in ur life that it was just in reaching distance and all it took to come true was if everyone who read a plea just had to vote for u.
There are a lot of people who view my blog everyday....if everyone who looked at my blog told their friends too...we could win. The top voter is at 1,000 votes... i am at 195. Please help me guys. I would do this for u!
Go to Facebook and search volvo cars us
Go 2 left hand side under the bella n.edward.pic and click Breaking Dawn tab,When the what would you where pic pops up click Vote,
Search Brandy Hogan, hit go
view,vote and share!
I really appreciate all of u who are helping in making my dream become a reality. You can vote if u have FB u don't have to be in the US. U can vote from anywhere! Please share it with all your friends. Help me get all the Twilight fans together and make this dream come true for me!
Thank you
There are a lot of people who view my blog everyday....if everyone who looked at my blog told their friends too...we could win. The top voter is at 1,000 votes... i am at 195. Please help me guys. I would do this for u!
Go to Facebook and search volvo cars us
Go 2 left hand side under the bella n.edward.pic and click Breaking Dawn tab,When the what would you where pic pops up click Vote,
Search Brandy Hogan, hit go
view,vote and share!
I really appreciate all of u who are helping in making my dream become a reality. You can vote if u have FB u don't have to be in the US. U can vote from anywhere! Please share it with all your friends. Help me get all the Twilight fans together and make this dream come true for me!
Thank you
Thursday, October 27, 2011
go to the search box on ur Facebook and type in volvo cars us
then go to the left hand side under the pic of bella n edward and hit breaking dawn tab
then it'll show up what you would wear contest hit vote
then search my name Brandy Hogan n then go
view pic, vote and share if u want saying vote Brandy Hogan
go to the search box on ur Facebook and type in volvo cars us
then go to the left hand side under the pic of bella n edward and hit breaking dawn tab
then it'll show up what you would wear contest hit vote
then search my name Brandy Hogan n then go
view pic, vote and share if u want saying vote Brandy Hogan
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